Answer the following questions reflectively in your journal. These questions apply to you as a person but can also be used in the classroom with students.
1. How are you color-blind to the hue of someone’s skin?
2. How comfortable do you feel discussing prejudicial issues with others? When do you fear appearing biased?
3. How do you honor diversity in your daily life? When do you consider feedback from others? When do you dismiss feedback from others?
4. When have you demonstrated bias in the past? Did you recognize it at the time, or was it something you realized later? What prompted that later realization?
After answering the questions above, take a short break to reflect on what you have written. If you are working individually, add any additional notes that may have come to mind. If performing this exercise in a group, have another member of the study group share their answers as you listen without judgment, and then you do the same.