Before beginning, read through all the instructions so you can follow them without reading them at the same time. Afterward, you will take a few minutes to answer questions as a journaling exercise.
1. Place your feet on the floor and your hands on your thighs. Just be comfortable wherever you are. Make sure your legs and arms are uncrossed.
2. Close your eyes or soften your gaze as you look down your nose at something in front of you.
3. Slowly take a few breaths. Rectangular breathing can be useful. Imagine breathing in the shape of a rectangle. As you breathe in, count to four. When you reach the top of your breath, hold it as you count to two. Breathe out as you count to four and hold as you count to two. Repeat this a few times.
4. Bring awareness to your feet and your hands. See if you can feel your heart beating.
5. Sit for a minute and be aware of your thoughts and feelings.
6. Now, push those thoughts and feelings away for just a moment and concentrate on your breathing for another minute.
7. Open your eyes, wiggle your toes, and wiggle your fingers.
8. Grab your journal and answer the questions that follow:
a. How did it make you feel?
b. Was it comfortable or uncomfortable? Why do you think it made you feel that way?
c. Did you feel as if you quieted your mind, or did intrusive thoughts invade? If you were not
able to still your mind, that is normal. It takes patience and practice to achieve mental
After answering the questions above, take a short break to reflect on what you have written. If you are working individually, add any additional notes that may have come to mind. If performing this exercise in a group, have another member of the study group share their answers as you listen without judgment, and then you do the same.